Benefits of cash shopping
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I encourage people to shop with cash because cash forces you to stick with your budget. When the money's gone, the money's gone. It's instant self-discipline. And there's something about having that cash in the envelope and taking that money out and paying that it makes you stop and you think, "Do I really need to buy this? Could I find it for a better deal somewhere?" And it gives you this instant sense of where your money is going and you start to really examine your purchases. And a lot of times you'll realize, "You know, I don't really need that." And so you'll put the money back and you'll save money.
Watch Crystal Paine's video on Benefits of cash shopping...
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Crystal PaineMom, Blogger & Author
Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.
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