Why buying ahead saves you money

Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for parents on why buying groceries ahead of time saves you money
Family Budgeting Tips - Why Buying Ahead Saves You Money
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Why buying ahead saves you money

Buying ahead is a great way to save money. All stores have twelve week sales cycles, which means that everything that you buy at a store goes on its lowest price once every three months. So instead of going to the store and buying what you are almost out of or what you need, start thinking ahead. When an item goes on its lowest price, buy enough for the next three months so you start paying pennies on the dollar for what you normally would buy. Then you build up this stockpile of things that you've gotten at rock-bottom prices and it significantly reduces your grocery bill.

Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for parents on why buying groceries ahead of time saves you money


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Crystal Paine

Mom, Blogger & Author

Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of MoneySavingMom.com, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.

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