When there is tragedy in the community

Laura Markham, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on how to best help your children cope with grief after the loss of a loved one or a tragedy in your community
How To Help Kids Cope With Grief After A Tragedy In The Community
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When there is tragedy in the community

We want to protect our children from anything that is happening, but life is full of surprises and sometimes they are terrible surprises and sometimes our children will be touched in their own live's by something devastating. It could be that their Grandparent dies, or could even be that the child they know is hit by a car and dies. how do we help our child through that tragedy. First of all, we manage our own emotions, if you are rocked with grief, if you are anxious, if you suddenly can't let your child near a car because you are afraid of a car accident killing your child then you need to start by calming yourself down and working out your own feelings, away from your child in a appropriate way. So you can stay calm, and communicate a sense of calm to your child. Secondly, expect that your child's feeling come out in ways, they are so obvious. maybe your child will burst into tears, maybe your child will cry for 3 days. Often children don't show reaction but they begin to wet their bed, they begin to show tantrums or to become defiant. So, expect that fear and grief better held down will manifest a behavior problems. And be aware of that and be compassionate with your child to help your child through that rough spots. So they can actually work out the feelings.

Laura Markham, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on how to best help your children cope with grief after the loss of a loved one or a tragedy in your community


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Laura Markham, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Laura Markham is the author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting. She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University and has worked as a parenting coach with countless parents across the English-speaking world, both in person and via phone. You can find Dr. Laura online at AhaParenting.com, the website of Aha! Moments for parents of kids from birth through the teen years, where you can sign up for her free daily inspiration email.  Dr. Laura lives in New York with her husband and her kids, who are now 17 and 21.

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