Golden Nugget

Geoff Wells, Dad, Lawyer & Coach, shares his Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of being honest with your children without judging them in order to stay close with them
Golden Nugget Of Parenting Advice From Geoff Wells
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Golden Nugget

So my golden nugget parenting advice – I’ve been a parent now for 19 years. When my child was in second grade, we had campouts over on Catalina Island. And at the third year of the campouts – which was the last year – I would take a walk with her and have a private moment. And one of the things that I said to her was, “I want you to know one thing – you can always come to me and talk to me about anything, no matter how bad it is. And I will listen to you and not judge you and love you unconditionally.” So that was in second grade. My 50th birthday, which was three years ago, my daughter spoke. She was 15 years old at the time of that birthday and she said the most important thing that I ever said to her is she remembers being out on Catalina Island, when she was in second grade, and that her dad said, “No matter what, I can come to him with any problem.” And of course then in high school, when she had issues with boys and things like that that were private, she came to me to talk about those things. So that’s my advice – be there for your child and tell them that they can be honest with you and you won’t judge them.
ALL PARENTS, Parenting

Geoff Wells, Dad, Lawyer & Coach, shares his Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of being honest with your children without judging them in order to stay close with them


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Geoff Wells

Dad, Lawyer & Coach

Geoff Wells is a law partner at Greene Broillet & Wheeler in Santa Monica California. He is a graduate of the University of Washington class of 1981, and was a pitcher on the baseball team. He then went on to graduate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985. He has been a youth and travel ball baseball coach since 2003. He is married to Janet Ray and has two children, Morgan and Garrett.

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