Learning that it's okay to fail

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Learning that it's okay to fail | Kids in the House
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Learning that it's okay to fail

How do we help our children deal with failure and not lose confidence? One of the most important things you can communicate to your child is that everyone fails. That you fail, that your wife fails, that their teachers fail and it's part of life to have failure. That it's okay to fail. And by acknowledging these things to the kids and letting them know that it's okay, they are able to succeed after they fail and climb back up on the horse and do well in the rest of their life. I've personally used this as a coaching tool and teach kids how to, for example, after they strike out in bat, how do you behave after you strike out? Do you throw the bat down? Do you throw the helmet down? Do you buck your head? Do you make a bunch of comments about the umpire? Or do you hustle back to the dugout and show character? Ironically now, kids in the youth sports, every kid gets a trophy, every kid gets a ribbon, every kid's told that their the best. I personally think this is a mistake. I think that kids need to learn about winning and losing and failure and it helps their overall ability to function in life.

Watch Geoff Wells's video on Learning that it's okay to fail...


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Geoff Wells

Dad, Lawyer & Coach

Geoff Wells is a law partner at Greene Broillet & Wheeler in Santa Monica California. He is a graduate of the University of Washington class of 1981, and was a pitcher on the baseball team. He then went on to graduate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985. He has been a youth and travel ball baseball coach since 2003. He is married to Janet Ray and has two children, Morgan and Garrett.

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