How to encourage positive behavior in children

Learn about: How to encourage positive behavior in children from Steve Reifman,...
How to encourage positive behavior in children | Kids in the House
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How to encourage positive behavior in children

Parents and teachers work very hard to help kids behave better in school. For many years I have written about the dangers of traditional approaches to managing student behavior, those that rely on rewards and punishments. At best, those lead to short term obedience but they do nothing to promote lasting habits. So I prefer an approach based on reflection, self-evaluation and goal setting. So if kids are struggling in 2 areas specifically, parents, teachers and kids can sit down, set specific goals for these habits and self-evaluate. Each day after school the kids can give themselves a number, 1 through 4, happy face, neutral face, sad face. Or come up with some way to reflect in a simple way so that parents, teachers and kids can talk about it over time. And by focusing on that and keeping the conversation positive, and emphasizing the goal setting and the reflection, rather than the rewards and punishments, we set the kids up for long-term success in the area of building positive behavior.

Learn about: How to encourage positive behavior in children from Steve Reifman,...


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Steve Reifman

Teacher, Author & Speaker

Steve Reifman is a National Board Certified elementary school teacher, author, and speaker in Santa Monica, CA. He has written several resource books for educators and parents, including Changing Kids’ Lives One Quote at a TimeEight Essentials for Empowered Teaching and Learning, K-8, and Rock It! In addition, Steve has created a series of shorter, e-book resources for educators, including The First 10 Minutes: A Classroom Morning Routine that Reaches and Teaches the Whole ChildThe First 30 Days: Start Your School Year with 4 Priorities in Mind, and 2-Minute Biographies for Kids: Inspirational Success Stories About 19 Famous People and the Importance of Education. He is also the creator of the Chase Manning Mystery Series for children 8-12 years of age. For Teaching Tips, articles, and other valuable resources and strategies on teaching the whole child, visit and subscribe at  subscribe to his “Teaching Kids” YouTube channel, check out his two professional development courses for educators on, and visit his Teachers Pay Teachers page.

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