Settling parental disagreements over discipline
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I have never met a couple, whether they are married or co-parenting in different homes, that agree 100 percent of the time on parenting situations. It is definitely something that every, single parent has to deal with.
The first thing that I recommend is to discuss certain situations without the other parent present, so you can try to be on the same page or at least understand where the other parent is coming from.
Second and more important is to support your partner's decision. Let's say, for example, you weren't there when your partner disciplined your child. You might not agree with what that discipline looked like, but 100 percent support whatever that might have been. Hopefully, you will get that same support in return.
I think it is definitely more important to support each other's decisions, even if you don't agree with them, and have those conversations about what you don't agree on separately and away from the child. In the future, that situation might end differently.
See Sondra Santos Drahos's video on Settling parental disagreements over discipline...
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Sondra Santos DrahosEducator & Blogger
In 2007, when Sondra Santos Drahos was a single mom, she became a Certified Parent Educator and founded Happy Healthy Hip Parenting. She is a Parental Advisor at Parental Wisdom and has been heard on NPR’s The Takeaway. She was included in the Nielsen’s list of Top 50 Power Moms in 2009. She is dedicated to Honoring Families, Supporting Parents, and Enriching Relationships. She lives in Solana Beach, California with her husband and two sons.
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