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Effective Discipline Videos

See Joshua Sparrow, MD's video on Discipline vs. punishment...
gentle discipline book
Sarah Ockwell-Smith
Discipline tends to focus on changing children: teaching them to have more respect and self-control and punishing wrongdoings so that the negative behavior is exting
kids and discipline issues
Although discipline and punishment are commonly perceived as synonymous, there’s a difference between the two terms: while discipline focuses on changing behaviour... read more
Watch Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP's video on Difference between discipline and punishment...
See Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP's video on How does discipline affect development?...
See Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP's video on What is effective discipline?...
Watch Video: Importance of follow through with discipline by Dana Entin, RN, MN, PNP, ...
Kids in the House
Some parents may equate discipline to punishment, but according to childhood development specialist, Marcy Axness, parents may need to reexamine their
Kids in the House
Behavior charts are a wonderful way to motivate kids.
Kids in the House
If you are a parent, chances are you want to know the secret to raising happy kids.
Learn about: What kind of discipline is effective? from Mark K. Shriver,...
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, gives an example from his life on when and how tough love can be good for kids
View Mark Steines's video on Struggling with discipline...
Alanna Levine, MD Pediatrician & Author, shares advice for parents on the best and most effective ways to discipline your young child
Learn about: Dealing with shoplifting from Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed,...
Laura Markham, PhD Psychologist & Parenting Author, shares advice for parents on how to get the behavior you want from your kids without having to use discipline
View Shefali Tsabary, PhD's video on Why parenting advice never seems to work in the moment...
Learn about: Modeling behavior versus setting rules from Shefali Tsabary, PhD,...
Watch Shefali Tsabary, PhD's video on What is spiritual discipline?...
Watch Video: The secret to having effective consequences by Cynthia G. Whitham, LCSW, ...
Watch Cynthia G. Whitham, LCSW's video on The benefit of using warnings to encourage better behavior...
See Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video on Importance of apologies with teens...
Best-Selling Parenting Author, Harry H. Harrison Jr., explains how a happy childhood has no relationship to a child being happy later on in life and whether parents are... read more
Joe Laramie, former police lieutenant, explains why it is important for parents to praise their children in public, but to discipline them privately
Watch Betsy Brown Braun, MA's video on The meaning of discipline...
See Sondra Santos Drahos's video on Effective discipline for teens and tweens...
Watch Michael Gurian, MFA, CMHC's video on The pros and cons of discipline methods for boys...
Gila Brown, MA Child Development Specialist, shares advice for parents on the most effective approaches and methods for disciplining your child
Kim DeMarchi MEd, CPE Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on a few alternatives to time-outs in order to discipline your children which can prove to be much more... read more
Watch Gordon Neufeld, PhD's video on Never too late to reclaim attachment with children...
See Gordon Neufeld, PhD's video on When kids misbehave...
Child Therapist Douglas Green, MFT, shares advice for parents on the best method for disciplining your child without hurting his or her spirit, and without punishing them
Watch Video: Setting limits by Sinjin Smith, ...
Michael Gurian, MFA, CMHC Family Counselor, shares advice for parents on common and ineffective disciplining methods for young boys and explains a method that is more... read more
Watch Video: How to discipline effectively by Tim Wheeler, ...
View Susan Stiffelman, MFT's video on Dealing with a child who interrupts often...
Watch Lee Hausner, PhD's video on Consequences and effective discipline...
See Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Use of token economy for siblings...
Watch Video: Reward not bribery in token economy by Lisa Gonsalves, MA, ...
Author and parenting expert Carol Dweck shares how thoughtful discipline and communication are often the most effective methods to help your kids learn from their... read more
View Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Definition of token economy...
View Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on How to answer without "because I said so"...
Clinical Psychologist & Author Lee Hausner, PhD, shares advice for parents on what it means to raise a happy child with a strong self-esteem
See Chris Fulton, PhD's video on Setting up and using a star chart...
View Robert Brooks, PhD's video on Younger child vs. older child discipline...
Watch Video: Taking back a punishment by Robert Brooks, PhD, ...
View Denene Millner's video on Being permissive vs. setting limits...
Learn about: Importance of obtainable rewards for kids from Lisa Gonsalves, MA,...
Chris Fulton, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on some of the most effective ways of doing punishments and disciplining their children
Allison LaTona, MFT Parent Educator, shares advice for parents of toddlers on the best and most effective techniques for disciplining your toddler
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