Helping your child become a more complete person

Marushka Mujic, Global Youth Ambassador, shares advice for parents on teenagers on how to help your teen be a well-rounded and complete person
How To Help Your Child Be A More Complete Person
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Helping your child become a more complete person

During a time of adolescence, it’s very helpful for a parent to influence various aspects of their child’s life, meaning not creating too much of an emphasis just on academia or just on artistry. The idea is to create the complete person, which means a trifecta of the mental aspect, the emotional aspect and the physical aspect. This means encouraging your child to be athletic, just as it does encouraging your child to be academic, just as it does encouraging your child to be creative. By influencing your child on all three levels, it allows a teenager to feel that they are developing equally as a balanced individual, which is very important for their young adult health.

Marushka Mujic, Global Youth Ambassador, shares advice for parents on teenagers on how to help your teen be a well-rounded and complete person


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Marushka Mujic

Global Youth Ambassador

Marushka Mujic is a creative artist, activist, social entrepreneur and global youth ambassador. After beginning secondary education at NYU, Marushka returned to her hometown of Los Angeles and founded the GoodMakers Street Team (youth division of parent nonprofit GoodMakers Films), empowering young artists, athletes and activists to facilitate local community initiatives, thereby inspiring global change. With a background in theatre, music and journalism, Marushka leads various creative initiatives worldwide, ranging from documentary films to arts festivals. Her multi-faceted work aims to focus modern media toward facilitation of global, intergenerational communication.

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