Typical issues for married couples with kids

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for couples on the most common issues married couples with kids face and how to overcome them
Typical Issues For Married Couples With Kids - Marriage Advice
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Typical issues for married couples with kids

The typical issues that come up for married couples with children include; how to deal with in-laws, how to raise the kids. Money is a big one. How to spend money. How much money to save. How much money to spend on the kids. Sex, of course. How much sex to have and when to have it and where to have it. One of my favorite quotes is by Leo Tolstoy. He says, "What counts in making a happy marriage is not how compatible two people are, but how they deal with the incompatibilities in their marriage." If you can learn how to have really difficult discussion that come up, then you will be able to get through anything.

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for couples on the most common issues married couples with kids face and how to overcome them


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Sheila Kamen, PsyD

Psychologist & Sex Therapist

Sheila Kamen works with individuals and couples in La Jolla, California.  She works with individuals and couples as a coach and therapist. She specializes in couples therapy, sex therapy, and relationship coaching. She also offers premarital and family building counseling. While she no longer works with children, she does help parents with issues related to children.  Sheila lives in San Diego. 

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