La Leche League Support

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La Leche League Support

La Leche League has been great as far as a breast feeding resource and what to do when met with issues with breast feeding of any sort. I had been told, or it had been implied to me, that they were sort of the breast-feeding Nazis and to be scared of them as far as a resource. And that they were so pro-breast-feeding that it might scare people away that might be having issues to the point of needing to wean child. When my third child was four months old, I needed to go on medication, and I had about 3 days to wean them. I called La Leche League in desperation trying to figure out what I could possibly do to possibly not stop breast feeding since all I had been told was breast feeding was best and i needed to continue breast feeding no matter what. When I called them on the phone, I talked with a number of different people and they were all supportive as far as what I was going through at the time. They reassured me that my baby would be fine, that 4 months of breast feeding was better than none. But that even without the breastfeeding that I was still able to bond with him just fine, that he would still be healthy and that he would be able to grow up just fine. They recommended a formula. They showed me that I was going to be okay as a mom despite not being able to breastfeed and that we would all be able to continue on just fine.

Learn about: La Leche League Support from Annie Wilcox,...


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Annie Wilcox

Stay at Home Mom

Annie Wilcox is the mother of four children, with three biological children and one adopted child. Annie lives with her family in her native town in Southern California.

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