Mistakes to avoid when hosting a birthday party

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Mistakes to avoid when hosting a birthday party | Kids in the House
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Mistakes to avoid when hosting a birthday party

My tips for throwing a child's birthday party is to make it as easy as you can for yourself. I had a birthday party for my son when he was five years old, where we were in a new town, I wanted to impress every mother, I wanted the party to be perfect. I had planned every single detail so well, it was at our house, which was the first mistake, I hired a Spiderman to come, I had all these games that he was going to play, and it was just going to be the most epic birthday party. I had my sights set on like the trophy. The Spiderman shows up and the first thing out of a kid's mouth is, You're not real, you're not the real Spiderman," and the kid spent the next half hour trying to rip of his costume. The guy just couldn't get his act together to like take over, and it was just utter chaos. It was the birthday party that everybody was talking about, but for all the wrong reasons. It was awful. The next year I had a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party, which was something I was never going to do, because that was just the easy way out, there was no creativity, and my son had a blast. I didn't have to prepare or clean up or anything, it was the easiest party I have ever hosted and I will never again have a home party, so just easy as you can make it

Watch Jill Smokler's video on Mistakes to avoid when hosting a birthday party...


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Jill Smokler

Author & Owner, Scary Mommy

What started as an innocent on-line baby book to chronicle Jill Smokler’s stay-at-home days with her children, (Lily, 9, Ben, 7 and Evan, 5) quickly transformed into a vibrant community of parents, brought together by a common theme: Parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. Jill’s honest take on parenting has appeared in numerous publications and on television programs, including The Today ShowThe New York Times, Good Morning America, Nightline and CNN.

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