Laboring while laying on your back vs. squatting

Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, explains what the various positions are for women during delivery and childbirth
Labor Positions - What Are the Different Birth Positions
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Laboring while laying on your back vs. squatting

The position for delivery varies from patient to patient. Traditionally the patient used to be back on their back for pushing, but for many people this is not very effective. In recent times, we have utilized squatting for pushing, and we have bars that help the patient get into this position. Other people do better being on their side. Some people can be standing. Some people can be on their hands and knees. And for some people, being on their back does become the most effective method.
PREGNANCY, Childbirth, Birth Methods

Obstetrician Paul Crane, MD, explains what the various positions are for women during delivery and childbirth


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Paul Crane, MD


Paul Crane, MD, is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and has practiced for more than 30 years. He specializes in natural childbirth and VBAC births in his practice in Beverly Hills. Paul is the father of six children ranging in age from 18 to 40. In his free time, he enjoys photography. Even after 30 years, one of his favorite things to do is deliver babies. 

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