Supporting your partner's exercise efforts during pregnancy

Author Armin Brott, shares advice on the importance of exercising during pregnancy and how to help support your pregnant partner's exercise efforts
How To Support Your Partner's Exercise Efforts During Pregnancy
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Supporting your partner's exercise efforts during pregnancy

There is nothing like pregnancy to bring out the provider and protector in men. We really want to take care of our partners. We want to make sure they are getting the right food. We want to make sure they are sleeping the right way. We also want to make sure they are getting the right physical shape because a lot of women will be putting on weight. As an expectant dad, you cannot say, "Honey, you are getting fat." What you can do though, is encourage her to get exercise. Assuming she has been exercising all along and the doctor says it's okay, that's something you should be doing. It will give her incentive to get off of the couch. It will get her to keep up with the physical routine. The things you want to stay away from are things where you can take a really hard fall. So as the pregnancy progresses, you want to stay away from the bicycle riding and skateboarding, the things that might put you at a little bit of off balance kind of thing. A couple of things to look out for. One is she should be drinking a lot of water, probably more than you would think. She also need to be able to breathe. If you are out doing something or running and she cannot have a normal conversation with you, you need to slow down. She needs to be able to speak. If you need a little more of an incentive, the more women exercise during pregnancy, the more stamina they are going to be able to build and the more muscles they are going to be able to build. It is shown that, women who exercise during pregnancy, have shorter labors. They are less likely to have premature births. They are less likely to have a c-section because their bodies can physically handle the pregnancy, the late part of the pregnancy, and the birth.

Author Armin Brott, shares advice on the importance of exercising during pregnancy and how to help support your pregnant partner's exercise efforts


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Armin Brott

Dad, Author & Radio Host

A former Marine, Armin Brott has devoted the last 15 years to providing men with the tools, support, and knowledge to help them become the fathers they want to be—and their families need them to be. His seven critically acclaimed books for fathers have sold well over a million copies. Titles include The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be and The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year. He has written on fatherhood for hundreds of newspapers and magazines and is a frequent guest on such television programs as the Today Show. He also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column (Ask Mr. Dad), and hosts a syndicated radio show (Positive Parenting). He lives with his family in Oakland, California.

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