C-section procedure

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains the standard procedures during an expected C-section and what a pregnant and her partner can expect during the procedure
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C-section procedure

During an expected C-section, you show up at the hospital usually several hours before the anticipated surgical time. You haven't eaten for approximately 8 hours prior to your delivery time. You'll go into the operating room. You'll have anesthesia applied and then you'll get into a comfortable position on the operating table. And then most of the time the doctor will do what's called a time-out where everybody in the room will become aware of why you're there so that they know that they're operating on the right person and doing the right procedure. And then the procedure takes about 5 - 10 minutes to get the baby out, and about 30 - 45 minuted to patch you back up. So the procedure all in all takes about an hour. With an epidural, you're awake the entire time, you can hear your baby's first cry, you can see your baby as it's being measured and weighed and all those wonderful things, and your partner can be with you in the room the entire time.

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains the standard procedures during an expected C-section and what a pregnant and her partner can expect during the procedure


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Jay Goldberg, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Dr. Jay Goldberg is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Goldberg earned his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1996 after completing his undergraduate education at the University of California-San Diego. His internship and residency training took place at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles.

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