Important questions for preschool tours

Joanna Port, MEd Educational Specialist, shares advice for parents on the best questions to ask when touring a potential preschool for your child
Important Questions to Ask on Preschool Tours
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Kids in the House Tour

Important questions for preschool tours

When you are on a preschool tour, there are some questions to consider. One is, are you accredited and licensed? Sometimes you don't ask that, and you should, you should know if they are. What is the student to teacher ratio? Are the classrooms multi-age or all one age? How many kids are in the classes? Also you may want to find out, how do they deal with separation? Every school has a different philosophy about how they deal with separation, the beginning of school, so ask about that. Ask about tuition and financial aid. A lot of these schools have financial aid opportunities. And it's okay to ask on a tour. Also, schedule. Is this a half day program or a full day program? Do they have extended hours? And how much is the cost of that? How much is it for half day? How much is it for extended day? It depends on what you need, and every school is very different. Is this school year round? What are the breaks? Or is it a 9 month school? And what is the process that I need to go through when applying to this school? That's a very good question to ask. What happens next? What happens if I'm on a wait list? What can I do? These are all questions that you can ask on a preschool tour.

Joanna Port, MEd Educational Specialist, shares advice for parents on the best questions to ask when touring a potential preschool for your child


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Joanna Port

Educational Specialist & Executive Director of PEL

Joanna Port is Executive Director of the Parents Education League (PEL) of Los Angeles. She holds a master's degree in Education from Pepperdine University and a master's degree in Social Work from University of Southern California. Before having four children of her own, she worked as a social worker with families and children in residential treatment. After she obtained her teaching credential, she worked as a teacher for four years. Coming back to work as PEL's Executive Director, she is able to combine her degrees and interest in education and children's mental health in her hometown, Los Angeles.

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