A dad's tips for getting kids to take a nap

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A dad's tips for getting kids to take a nap | Kids in the House
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A dad's tips for getting kids to take a nap

What is my advice on my advice on getting a toddler to sleep or take a nap? I would say wear them out. I'd I would much rather be in a position where I don't want them to fall asleep than trying to get them to fall asleep. I personally exhaust them. I'll take them to the playground, I'll let them run around. You know, being at home all day and letting the t.v. babysit them isn't going to get me anywhere. The other thing that I really do is try to make sure they have a full stomach. Between exhausting them and that, I can usually get them to conk right out. If that doesn't work I also try to add some white noise. We have a giraffe or a bear that provides some background noise that really helps out a lot.

Watch Video: A dad's tips for getting kids to take a nap by Adrian Kulp, ...


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Adrian Kulp

Author & Blogger of Dad or Alive

Adrian Kulp is a stay-at-home dad for three kids under the age of 7.  His popular blog, ‘Dad or Alive’ helped him procure a deal at Penguin Publishing, titled Dad or Alive: Confessions of an Unexpected Stay-at-home Dad.  He also writes for The Huffington Post and is preparing a comedic lecture based on his transition into fatherhood. Adrian is a former TV executive both for Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison and Chelsea Handler’s Borderline Amazing Productions, as well as the comic booker for ‘The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson’ on CBS. Adrian's feature article 'Breaking Binky' was recently published in the February 2017 issue of Parents Magazine. This spring, he was nominated for a Shorty Award in Parenting, as well as an IRIS Award for 'Dad Blog of the Year' at the annual Mom 2.0 Summit held in Orlando.

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