IQ testing and age

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IQ testing and age

An I.Q. test is a measure that assesses a child´s aptitude or ability in different domains, whether verbal, whether expressing him or herself verbally or understanding language, visually spatially. So looking at puzzles, mazes, sort of understanding the relationships between objects in the environment, memory, rate of taking in new information, and the ability to kind of problem solve mentally. So those are some of the main domains we look at although there are more areas of fluid reasoning, long term memory for crystalized information. I.Q. testing is important in generating or developing sort of an idea of where a child is with regard to aptitude at a given stage. The difference between I.Q. testing for younger and older children is not that different. It is just different test and they have sort of developmentally lower or higher expectations in the different areas of attention, concentration, memory, verbal expression and so forth. For very young children, we look more in the domains of motor skills, creative play, eye contact and those are areas that we kind of look at to see if there is an area of delay. More commonly we look at that. But also, I think one of the things that parents may find for their children is in the area of giftedness that we see that they meet development milestones at a much earlier age whether in talking or in coordination, walking and so forth. So those would be two areas that we would see or want to approach differently for a child of say three than a child of nine or 10.

See Jennifer Cassatly, PsyD's video on IQ testing and age...


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Jennifer Cassatly, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Cassatly has extensive training and experience working with children, adolescents, adults and families. She specializes in addressing symptoms of anxiety, depression, academic challenges, and low self-esteem that are often associated with youth diagnosed with learning differences, ADHD, and behavioral problems. She consults with school personnel and parents about special education, and collaborates with experts in associated fields including psychiatry, educational therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and alternative/holistic therapies. In addition, she has worked as an adjunct professor and supervises doctoral interns in both her practice and in community agencies. Dr. Cassatly is committed to community service and has been actively involved with A Home Within, Venice Family Clinic, and The Housing and Education Program at the YMCA, Santa Monica.

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