Allowing your child to quit a sport

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Allowing your child to quit a sport | Kids in the House
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Allowing your child to quit a sport

So some parents wonder whether or not they should let their child quit a sport that they're very talented in. And I have to tell you from being a coach for 14 and 15 years now and having two children that play sports, never let your child quit a sport that they are talented in. You have to step in as the parent and make them commit to that sport, even when they want to quit. I think it's so important. I have a son that maybe was a little burned out on baseball, thought about quitting; I did not let him do it. Now he's gone on to be a star in high school and he's never really regretted staying with that sport that he was talented in.

Watch Geoff Wells's video on Allowing your child to quit a sport...


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Geoff Wells

Dad, Lawyer & Coach

Geoff Wells is a law partner at Greene Broillet & Wheeler in Santa Monica California. He is a graduate of the University of Washington class of 1981, and was a pitcher on the baseball team. He then went on to graduate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985. He has been a youth and travel ball baseball coach since 2003. He is married to Janet Ray and has two children, Morgan and Garrett.

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