Talking to your kids about their adoption

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Talking to your kids about their adoption

We talk to our children about adoption all the time. It is in the core of who we are as a family. I can't think of a topic that is more central to who we are as a family. If you ask anybody about us, that's the first thing that will come up, is the concept of adoption. It is really in the nature of who we are as family. We are a big family. We are, obviously, a multi-racial family. People are constantly asking questions. Because all my kids are adopted, they feel really comfortable to share with others. They go to school, they talk to others about adoption. They will show things about their homeland. I think we, as parents, need to be open to the sorrows and the obvious loss that comes at the beginning of adoption. It's not all, just this happy face. I am happy for me that I got to parent children, but it is sad that for a birth parent who couldn't afford to parent those children. It is certainly sad for those children to have that loss. I think validating that loss. Validating the beauties, validating the adoption; and how it is different, how it is special, how it is sad. Those are really important elements of the whole talk which is going to go on in the lifetime.

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Langka Treadwell

Adoptive Mom

Langka Treadwell is the mother to seven children adopted from all over the globe. She works and volunteers with organizations affiliated with adoption related issues.

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