Tips for single parents

Sondra Santos Drahos, Parent Educator and Blogger, shares advice for single parents on a few tips to help you to become a strong and supportive single parent
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Tips for single parents

Single parents have a difficult job. My biggest recommendation is for tips. Get a support system around you, whether its other single parents or other people that are in a similar situation or neighbors and friends that can help you pick up the slack. Someone to help pick up the children, if you are running late. It's definitely good to have that rolodex on hand. Communication is key, especially if you are having to communicate with a co-parent. I recommend that you get those conversations in writing because there is always that "he said" "she said" kind of thing that can become a sticky situation.

Sondra Santos Drahos, Parent Educator and Blogger, shares advice for single parents on a few tips to help you to become a strong and supportive single parent


Expert Bio

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Sondra Santos Drahos

Educator & Blogger

In 2007, when Sondra Santos Drahos was a single mom, she became a Certified Parent Educator and founded Happy Healthy Hip Parenting.  She is a Parental Advisor at Parental Wisdom and has been heard on NPR’s The Takeaway. She was included in the Nielsen’s list of Top 50 Power Moms in 2009. She is dedicated to Honoring Families, Supporting Parents, and Enriching Relationships. She lives in Solana Beach, California with her husband and two sons.

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