Meet Del Millers, PhD

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Meet Del Millers, PhD

Hi. I'm Dell Millers, author, syndicated nutrition columnist, and founder of The Best You Academy, where we teach people simple strategies to make a difference in their health, their bodies, their fitness, and their lives, and in the last 10 minutes of today - focus being today. I work with clients to be the best they've ever been - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. And one of the things that I like to do when I'm not working with clients I love to dance. I'm a ballroom dancer, a competitive dancer. And I love to ski and roller blade and play tennis. And my passion is just having fun with my 3 beautiful daughters. I have 3 daughters and a beautiful wife who love to be active to be outdoorsy, go hiking and swimming and playing tennis. And that's my favorite thing of the week is our time together.
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Del Millers, PhD

Author, Nutritionist

Dr. Del Millers is the founder of and author of eight books on mind-body health and nutrition. A PhD Nutritionist with a Masters degree in psychology, Dr. Del teaches motivation and high performance strategies to busy entrepreneurs and professionals, so that they can make a difference in their lives tomorrow in just ten minutes today.

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