How to organize your entry way

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for organizing your entry way
Family and Parenting Tips | How to organize your entry way
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How to organize your entry way

Keeping an entry way organized is so important. It's one of the number one reasons I get called into a family's home. It's as busy as the kitchen or the bathroom, so it's super important to keep this space super efficient and organized. I think hooks and cubbies are great for keeping an entry way organized. I often suggest to parents invest in some great pieces. These are things that are going to stay the same as far as you know mail coming in and packages coming in, things going out. So not a lot is changing as far as systems in the entry way, so we want to go ahead and just set up a really great system. I think it's really important to know that an entry way isn't going to look perfect 100% of the time. I think you have to have realistic expectations. But I think it's super important to have things like hooks for the kids so that they're able to put things away at their own height, and a cubby system so that they're able to take off their shoes. I would say, when you're dealing with a family that's really busy, most of the things are going to stay in that entryway, which is why you're going to want to have some really great pieces to hide some of the not so organized or organized-looking stuff. The things that I would suggest never leaving in the entryway would be paperwork and packages, anything that could be time sensitive and cost money if you don't address them.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for organizing your entry way


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Beth Zeigler

Professional Organizer

Beth created B•neato Professional Organizing after someone recognized her organizing talents and told her about the National Association of Professional Organizers. Ever since, she's been blogging about getting organized for well-known companies, such as Apartment Therapy and Rubbermaid. Beth's goal is to make getting organized accessible to all which is why she created No Mess No Stress Organizing Boot Camp (which is known in some circles as a work-out for your filing system). When she's not helping clients de-clutter, Beth can be found keeping her busy household in order in Silver Lake, CA.

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