Teaching time-management to children

Professional Organizer Beth Zeigler shares advice for parents on how to help your children become better at managing their time
How To Teach Children Time Management - Kids In The House
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Teaching time-management to children

Teaching time management to anyone is a challenge. So when we're talking about kids, you want to teach them very early on. It's such an important concept to grasp. I like to have clocks in every room, so that they're always aware of time. I also really like to show parents how they can time activities. You can even get kids involved in the process. You can ask them, how long do you think it takes you to brush your teeth and wash your face and get ready for bed? And they may come up with some crazy number. And you can actually time them doing it and they get this realistic sense of how long it takes to do stuff. In their mind, they may think it takes an hour to put away their toys. And maybe that's why they're not doing it. So allowing them to see how long things take, it's just a great way to introduce them to time management.

Professional Organizer Beth Zeigler shares advice for parents on how to help your children become better at managing their time


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Beth Zeigler

Professional Organizer

Beth created B•neato Professional Organizing after someone recognized her organizing talents and told her about the National Association of Professional Organizers. Ever since, she's been blogging about getting organized for well-known companies, such as Apartment Therapy and Rubbermaid. Beth's goal is to make getting organized accessible to all which is why she created No Mess No Stress Organizing Boot Camp (which is known in some circles as a work-out for your filing system). When she's not helping clients de-clutter, Beth can be found keeping her busy household in order in Silver Lake, CA.

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