Top tips for organizing seasonal gear

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for organizing seasonal gear
Family and Parenting Tips | Top tips for organizing seasonal gear
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Top tips for organizing seasonal gear

Seasonal gear doesn't have to be complicated or tricky. I really like to keep it super simple. Store as much as you can fit as far as coats and gloves, just making sure that everything is itemized and labeled on the outside of the bin. And when that stuff is ready to be incorporated into the closet, that entire bin gets unloaded into the closet, and all of the summer stuff such as swimsuits and beach towels, that stuff can get stored and put away. So it's really a 1-2 step process.
ALL PARENTS, Family Life

Professional organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for organizing seasonal gear


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Beth Zeigler

Professional Organizer

Beth created B•neato Professional Organizing after someone recognized her organizing talents and told her about the National Association of Professional Organizers. Ever since, she's been blogging about getting organized for well-known companies, such as Apartment Therapy and Rubbermaid. Beth's goal is to make getting organized accessible to all which is why she created No Mess No Stress Organizing Boot Camp (which is known in some circles as a work-out for your filing system). When she's not helping clients de-clutter, Beth can be found keeping her busy household in order in Silver Lake, CA.

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