Can you have a healthy obsession with weight?

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Can you have a healthy obsession with weight? | Kids in the House
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Can you have a healthy obsession with weight?

Weight controllers essentially need an athletic mentality about the process, that they're gonna take their body and mold it to a direction that the body doesn't really want to go. And to do that requires a healthy obsession. Healthy obsession is a preoccupation with the planning and execution of target behaviors to reach a healthy goal. To put it another way, you think about it. You think about it in the morning. What am I gonna do? How am I gonna get my activity in? What am I eating? Where am I eating it? And that level of attention, which is what athletes do all the time about their training, can lead to effective weight control.
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Daniel S. Kirschenbaum, PhD

Weight Management Expert

Daniel S. Kirschenbaum, PhD, ABPP, is the President of Wellspring. He was Director of the Eating Disorders Program at Northwestern University Medical School, where he is Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Kirschenbaum is a Fellow and Diplomate in Clinical Health Psychology in the American Psychological Association and former president of its Division of Exercise and Sport Psychology. Dr. Kirschenbaum has provided invited addresses at many professional conferences world-wide, received numerous grants for research, and published 10 books and 150 journal articles on weight loss, sport psychology, and related topics. His books include: the first book published for professionals on the treatment of pediatric obesity - Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent ObesityWeight Loss Through PersistenceThe Sierras Weight Loss Solution for Teens and Kids (2007); and, The Wellspring Weight Loss Plan. Dr. Kirschenbaum’s research on sport psychology won the top prize for research on the mental game of golf from the World Scientific Congress on Golf (St. Andrews, Scotland) and Golf Magazine; in 2000, the American Council on Exercise and its Board of Directors unanimously endorsed his book, The 9 Truths About Weight Loss, as "the best book ever written for the public on how to lose weight and keep it off."

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