Unknown bite marks

Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on what to do if your find unknown bite marks on your child and believe them to be poisonous
Pediatric First Aid - Unknown Bite Marks On Your Child
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Unknown bite marks

If a child or a baby is bit by something that we suspect to be poisonous, it's important that we try and identify what that species is. For example, an insect, a spider. We would like you to bring that to the hospital with the baby or child, so we can ensure proper treatment. In many cases, there will not be evidence of what the baby, so we have to go with our best guess. Or immediate concern is an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions to certain kinds of poisons can be life threatening. Usually, the first bite, however, or the first exposure is not a life threatening one and may just cause a lot of swelling. The best course of action is to get to a hospital so that you can get the proper treatment.

Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on what to do if your find unknown bite marks on your child and believe them to be poisonous


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Richard Pass, RN

Registered Nurse & CPR Expert

Richard Pass, RN, BS, was born in Los Angeles. He studied nursing in Portland, Oregon and has since practiced nursing for 35 years, including ICU, Emergency, and Cardiology nursing. Richard started his CPR & Family Safety educational company, Save a Little Life, Inc., in 1999. With Save a Little Life, Inc., Richard presents house calls and classes all over the Los Angeles area. He teaches medical-surgical nursing at California State University, and is married with two grown children and one grandchild.

Choking & CPR, Poisons, Poisons, Poison
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