Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother

Learn about: Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother from Sarah Maizes,...
Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother | Kids in the House
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Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother

I think mom time is the most important thing that a woman can do for herself once she becomes a mother. Being able to feel your own energy and give yourself some kind of emotional goodness or support, do something for you, helps you feel better about you. And when you feel better about you, you feel better about yourself as a mother, and your kids see you happy and glowing. And there are so many ways to sneak in mom time. And I think that a lot of mothers don't like to do it because they feel like they're being selfish. Or, I'm taking time for myself. I'm supposed to be on duty 24/7. But taking time for yourself as a mother, being able to take a bath in the middle of the day. It is one of the most luxurious, cheapest things you can do. Take a 20-minute nap. Maybe at the end of the night if you're not totally exhausted have sex with your husband. Just do it. Find time for yourself to do something that feels good, that connects you to who you are as a woman inside. One of my favorite things to do when I take mom time is to go get a massage. If I have a solid hour, that is the one thing I feel I can completely relax and that's the best thing for me. Another great thing for mom time, and this may not sound so much like mom time, but I love to bake. And sometimes just picking one item to cook or to bake, or one dish that I really love, or I know that someone in my household also really loves, just taking some time to really spend time working on the ingredients or enjoying cooking to me is very calming, very centering. But that's something that I enjoy. And I think every mom has to figure out what is their favorite thing to do. What is their hobby? Find time once a week, one hour a week minimum to go and do it. Shut off your phone. Tell your kids you are off duty. And go find time to indulge in that one hour. You will be a broader woman, a happier woman, and a better mother for it.

Learn about: Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother from Sarah Maizes,...


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Sarah Maizes

Mom & Blogger

Sarah Maizes is an author, freelance writer, comedian and founder of, a parenting humor site. She is the author of several humor books including, Got Milf? The Modern Mom’s Guide to Feeling Fabulous, Looking Great and Rocking a Minivan; and three books for children; On My Way To The Bath, On My Way to Bed and the third book in the series On My Way to School to be published in 2014.Her work has been featured in Los Angeles Magazine, Babytalk, on, E! Television’s “Fashion Police,” and on is a regular contributor to, The Huffington Post, and CBS/’s “Best of LA.”  Her work has also been featured on,,,, and – a website for parents dealing with Autism.She has appeared on The Today Show, KTLA, CNN Headline News with Brad Pomerance, NPR's "What Would Rob Do?,"ABC News Now’s “Moms Get Real with Ju Ju Chang,” and is a regular contributor to NPR’s “Tell Me More with Michel Martin,” and “HuffingtonPostLIVE” - but  is most celebrated for her ability to scale tiny jungle gyms, pack a lunch in under a minute, and park her full-size minivan in a compact space.     

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