How to teach kids to be organized

Professional Organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for how parents can teach kids to become more organized
How To Teach Kids To Be Organized - Kids In The House
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How to teach kids to be organized

I think it's so important for parents to model good organizing behavior. They really need to walk the walk. So when the kids are being encouraged to get rid of stuff, the parents also should take that opportunity to go through their stuff. And you can really make it a whole family event. Maybe it's something everybody does once a month, once every two months, based on your family schedule. But I really think it's important for the parents to do purging when they are suggesting the kids to do purging. And also, when the parents are out shopping, maybe show some restraint. Parents can't always get what they want. Just showing the kids that it's okay to not get everything you want. Just showing kids that parents have to set boundaries too.

Professional Organizer Beth Zeigler gives her top tips for how parents can teach kids to become more organized


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Beth Zeigler

Professional Organizer

Beth created B•neato Professional Organizing after someone recognized her organizing talents and told her about the National Association of Professional Organizers. Ever since, she's been blogging about getting organized for well-known companies, such as Apartment Therapy and Rubbermaid. Beth's goal is to make getting organized accessible to all which is why she created No Mess No Stress Organizing Boot Camp (which is known in some circles as a work-out for your filing system). When she's not helping clients de-clutter, Beth can be found keeping her busy household in order in Silver Lake, CA.

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