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Everything You Need to Know About Giving Birth

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Whether you’re newly pregnant or you’re nearing the later weeks of your pregnancy, giving birth is probably on your mind at least some of the time. Some people are afraid to give birth, while others don’t find it intimidating or scary at all. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, it’s a unique experience that has a lot of mechanics to it.

Everyone’s birth experience is different, too, which means you may have already heard plenty of stories. If this is your first time giving birth — or even if you’ve had a child but want to brush up on your knowledge — there are a few things that it can help you to know.

Giving birth is a different experience for everyone. That being said, no matter what you can learn about the experience, you will always have a unique birth story that’s truly yours. Everything will also depend on your pregnancy and what you want to plan for your birth story. If you’re feeling a little lost right now, there’s no need to fear. People have been giving birth for centuries. It’s one of the most natural processes, and you can get through it and have the fantastic birth experience you deserve. Here’s what you need to know about getting there.

  1. You Can Do It

Unfortunately, this is the one that people often forget the most. During labor or even contractions, people often tell themselves — in their heads or out loud — that they can’t do it or they can’t handle it. When giving birth, one of the most important things to remember is that you can do it.

No matter how your birth story happens, you have the power to do it. You have gotten through a whole pregnancy, and you’ll be right on the cusp of bringing life into the world. People have been giving birth for centuries — and you are one of the many powerful people who can do it.

  1. Pack a Hospital Bag

Getting into the details, one of the big things you can prepare for before you give birth is what you plan to bring with you. While the hospital will have a lot of what you need, having your personal things around can help ease some of the tension and make things go smoother. Even if you aren’t having a hospital birth, having a bag packed just in case of an emergency can help you feel some peace of mind. Here’s a basic checklist of what you might need to pack:

For Mom:

  • Your birth plan

  • Toiletries

  • A robe or pajamas

  • Comfortable postpartum or maternity clothes

  • Snacks

  • Cell phone charger

  • Toothbrush

  • Towels from home

  • Pads or adult diapers

For Partner or Supporter:

  • Snacks

  • Phone charger

  • Blanket and pillow

  • Book or other entertainment

  • Toothbrush

For Baby:

  • Car seat (likely installed beforehand in the car)

  • Pediatrician contact information if you have it

  • One or two going home outfits in varying sizes

  • Bottles

  • Diapers and wipes if your hospital does not provide them, though most do (check with yours beforehand)

This might seem like a lot of stuff, but it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

  1. You Don’t Need a Hospital

Yes, we just spent time talking about all the things you can bring to the hospital, but you also don’t need to plan for a hospital birth. While some mothers feel more comfortable in a hospital setting, others are more comfortable in homey environments, just like at home. Giving birth is a natural process, not a medical emergency.

Unless you have a high risk pregnancy, you can plan your birth however feels right for you. You can give birth at home in the care of a doula and midwife, or you can bring your doula to the hospital. There are even birthing centers that offer both midwife care and OB/GYN care, so you can truly design an environment that makes you feel most comfortable.

  1. Make a Birth Plan

If you’re working with a midwife, doula or birthing center, they might already tell you about creating a birth plan. Really, it’s simply a plan that lays out your wishes and goals for labor and delivery. While not everyone has one, even having a simple birth plan can make you feel more prepared and comfortable as the time comes closer.

  1. The Sensations of Birth Itself

This is one of the hardest talking points to get down pat, because everyone’s body is different, which means that everyone experiences birth differently. Some people describe the feeling as intense period cramps, while others describe muscle spasms or muscle contractions. Usually things come in waves, and intensify as the experience goes on. Some people even say the labor sensations vary from child to child, which goes to show that every experience truly is unique.

  1. The After Birth Experience

Just like labor, everyone’s experience after birth is different, too. While some people can feel great and be totally fine to get up and walk around, most people need rest and rejuvenation. You’ll probably still have a bit of a belly, and you might experience cramping, too. All are completely normal.

Your Birth Experience

Every mother has a different experience giving birth, and that’s one of the many beauties of it. Your experience will be unique to you and your family, whether you give birth in a hospital, a birthing center or your very own home. Are you excited to give birth?