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How to Get Your Kids Involved in Gardening

gardening for kids

It’s safe to say that gardening is one of the most beautiful hobbies a person can have. There are many reasons why we are prepared to make this statement. For example, gardening allows you to spend more time in nature and it’s simply good for your health. When a hobby is this good, you want to get your kids involved because you want the best for them. However, as you probably know, getting your kids involved with something that doesn’t have anything to do with devices and games is not a simple task.

This is exactly why today we are going to show you how you can make gardening interesting to your kids.

Here’s what you have to do.

Make Sure They Are Having Fun

Let’s be honest, when you were a kid, you probably didn’t think too much of gardening, right? It probably seemed like a boring thing to do. However, this was only because no one showed you how to have fun while gardening. 

As a parent, you don’t want to make this mistake. If you want your kids to love gardening, you have to show them how fun it can be. The gardening enthusiasts from Greenery Guide reviews claim that fun is one of the most important aspects of gardening. Therefore, if you want to get your kids interested, you should try to make it entertaining.

Make a game of it. Try to see who can plant more seeds during one afternoon. Trust us, these kinds of games will definitely make gardening fun for your kids.

Give Them Easy Tasks

A lot of kids get demotivated when they have to do complicated things in the garden. They are simply not able to do those things and they feel discouraged. If you want to avoid this scenario, make sure to give your kid easy tasks at first. If it’s their first gardening session, put them on the watering duty. This is one of the simplest tasks and they will definitely do a good job. It’s safe to say that this will give them a sense of accomplishment and courage to give gardening a try.

Plant The Right Plants For The Season

As you probably know, kids tend to get discouraged if they don’t see the results right away. Therefore, if you want them to love gardening, you have to make sure they know how success tastes like. The best way to do this is to plant the right plants for the season at hand. For example, you definitely don’t want to plant broccoli during the wet season. This won’t bring you results and your kid will be disappointed. However, if you plant broccoli in the dry season and you get results, your kid will see that hard work gets rewarded and they will get interested in gardening.

Explain To Them How Things Are Done

A lot of parents think that gardening is easy to master simply because they are good at it. Just because you are a good gardener doesn’t mean your kid knows how to plant seeds. You have to show them how things are done. Also, you have to be very patient with them. They will probably be insecure, therefore, you must not yell at them even if they don’t get it right away. Show them how it’s done and encourage them. Trust us, this is the only way to get them to love gardening.

Get Them Small Tools

Kids can easily be intimidated by the gardening tools for adults. They are big, complicated, and definitely not easy to use. Therefore, if you want your kid to like gardening, make sure to provide them with small tools for kids. Trus us, a small digging shovel will make your boy or girl feel like they know exactly what they are doing. This will give them the confidence they need to properly enjoy gardening. Yes, another set of tools will definitely cost you a bit of money, but this is a good investment. This is one of the best ways to allow your kid to experience the wonders of gardening.

Allow Them To Decide What They Want To Plant

Since you are an adult, you are the one in charge. However, you shouldn’t be too strict with your kid. Gardening should be a peaceful experience, therefore, try to be relaxed. This means you should not set too many specific rules. Yes, you should show them how tools work and how to use the tools properly, but you shouldn’t take their creativity and sense of wonder from them. In other words, allow them to decide what to plant. This independence will mean a lot to them and they will get excited about gardening.

Give Them Their Own Piece Of Garden

If you really want to get your kids interested in gardening, should definitely make sure they have their own piece of garden to tend to. This is one of the best ways to teach them responsibility and a fun way to get them to like gardening. A small piece of the garden will do. This way, they will be able to decide what they want to plant and where they want to plant it. They will experience failure, but with your help, they will also taste success. Let them do their thing and be there to help them when they don’t know how to do something. Trus us, this is the best way to make them like gardening.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do for a living, having your own garden to tend to will definitely do wonders for your health. Now, even though kids usually don’t need this kind of meditation, getting them interested in gardening may have many different benefits. They can learn about nature and responsibility. Those are important lessons for a kid. Therefore, if you want your kids to experience the wonderful things gardening has to offer, you must teach them. Teaching can be frustrating, but these tips will definitely help you to teach your kid how to be a good gardener.