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Healthy Family Habits.

Healthy Family Habits and Inspiration

A lot of people live extremely busy and hectic lives today, which leave them almost no time for what really matters most – their families. Spending quality time with your kids and other family members is indeed a blessing, and if you want to know how to inspire productivity and creativity in them, while embracing some healthy habits as well – just stay with us and keep on reading. Here are five tips on how to make that happen, so check them out and accomplish that like a true pro!

Let your kitchen be the space everyone loves to spend time in

house plants and natural light

The majority of moms can agree with the claim that kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home, without even realizing why is that so. Well, first of all, the kitchen is where magic happens, where diligent moms work hard in order to make something really special from scratch. It’s also a place where the whole family gathers after a long day at work and in school, where everyone shares their stories of how they’ve spent their day. That’s exactly why the kitchen should be the first step in inspiring productivity and healthy habits in both adults and the kids. You can always invest your money into kitchen gadgets like juicers and blenders that are crucial for embracing healthy eating habits. Once you get them, your kids will start eating more fresh fruits and veggies without even knowing that! Besides that, the fridge has always been a home to children’s masterpieces like their first drawings, so be sure you spark up your little ones’ creativity by displaying their work in the kitchen. You should also have bottled water, clean glasses and bowls filled with fresh fruits all over your kitchen, as a friendly reminder for your family members which won’t let them drop their good habits.

Be sure your living room is filled with plants and natural light

living room with natural light

When speaking of your living room, one of the most important things that certainly enhance productivity is natural lighting, so be sure you open the windows and enjoy that beautiful light that comes from the outside. Of course, plants or any kind of greenery are of the utmost importance as well, simply because they can make you feel calm, relaxed, and at peace. Aside from improving your indoor aesthetics, these can also increase your productivity and act as a natural air purifier, which is exactly what you need in your home. When it comes to the color of your walls, you should follow the ‘less is more’ rule and opt for a calming pastel color palette instead of bright, vibrant shades. De-cluttering your living room is another essential step, as it will inevitably give you more space and help you feel much better about yourself, plus being a great role model for your kids who will learn about the importance of recycling and tidying up their rooms all by themselves.

Always allow your kids to help you in the garden

garden help

Working in your garden can also help with embracing healthy habits and improving your productivity, and it gets even better when you let your kids help you out. Apart from being extremely fun (especially for the children), this hobby is also quite beneficial and money-saving, too. You can always grow your own organic produce and let your little ones know that such fruits and vegetables are much healthier and often more delicious than those bought in a supermarket. On the other hand, older kids and teenagers can mow the lawn with their dad, as it’s one of the most popular pastimes among the boys of such age. Everyone knows that green is one of the most relaxing and calming colors out there, which is why a lot of families decide to have their own lawn. If you’re one of them, too, just be sure you always take proper care of the grass and water it regularly, as needed. Don’t forget to get quality water hoses and sprinklers, as these are required to keep everything in order. Once that’s done, the whole family will be able to enjoy a fantastic Sunday picnic on their beautiful lawn.

Make your working space more inspirational and motivational

inspirational space

Your working space is definitely one of the most important rooms in your home if you’re a work-from-home mom or a parent with a quite demanding job that doesn’t end in the office, which is why it should be properly decorated in order to spark up your productivity. Motivational and inspirational quotes on your screen saver or a vision board near your computer can help you make that happen, so be sure you always have a couple of them in sight. Of course, natural lighting is essential here as well, so open the window and let it in. Apart from that, you can also get a stability ball ladies use in their pilates classes, and sit on it instead on a regular computer chair. This can strengthen your abdominal muscles, promote better posture, and protect the lower back, but be sure not to go overboard with it because the upper body might not be properly and fully supported.

A TV-free bedroom is the key to a good night’s sleep

good night sleep advice

Last but not least, yours and your kids’ bedrooms are more than essential when it comes to embracing healthy habits and inspiring your productivity. No matter how attractive this idea may seem, having a TV in your bedroom isn’t what you should go for if you want to sleep tight every night. First of all, this device is responsible for poor quality of sleep, as too much noise and negativity that come out of it can make you cranky and sleep deprived. The same goes for tablets and similar devices which won’t let us sleep properly at night, and we all know that sleep deprivation leads to lowered productivity. You should also invest in a quality mattress that will provide enough support for your back and help you sleep like a baby. This should be the case with your kids’ bedrooms as well, especially if your children are still growing up. There’s one more vital thing when it comes to a good night’s sleep, and that’s a ‘the darker the better’ rule. The absence of light sends your body a signal that it’s time to sleep, and that’s crucial if you want to feel properly rested in the morning.

As you can see, inspiring productivity and embracing healthy lifestyle habits can’t be any easier. Just be sure you include all your family members in the process, and you’ll have a great time while learning about what’s important in life!