Which exercises or sports are safe during pregnancy?

Tom Williams, PhD, explains which exercises and sports are safe to do during your pregnancy, and which ones should be avoided
What Exercises Are Safe During Pregnancy
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Which exercises or sports are safe during pregnancy?

The exercises that are safe during pregnancy, the general rule of thumb is anything you were doing before. The things that you should avoid are obvious, downhill skiing, anything that's a contact sport, anything that would overheat you. Those are the things that would be avoided during pregnancy. But if you were doing it before, you can play tennis. If you were running before, you can go running. If you haven't been doing any of these things, you should be careful with what you choose and what you should move forward with. Just start out slow, but anything is pretty much on the table.

Tom Williams, PhD, explains which exercises and sports are safe to do during your pregnancy, and which ones should be avoided


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Tom Williams, PhD


Tom Williams, the founder of fatburn.com, is a Certified Personal Trainer. He has worked in Santa Monica, CA for over ten years. Tom initially created the first fatburn as a tool to help his clients achieve their weight loss goals. The before and after pictures you see on this website are almost ALL Tom's clients (who used the fatburn system) over the last 12 months. Prior to becoming a personal trainer, Tom was a world class swimmer, winning gold medals and setting records in the Pan American Games, World University Games and U.S. Open in the 50M freestyle. He swam with the U.S team for 6 years. While competing at a world class level, Tom earned a BA in Business & Communications from The University of Iowa. He also coached the Men's Swim Team at The Ohio State University for two years while pursuing his PhD in Counseling Psychology.

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