Negative behaviors after starting child care

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Negative behaviors after starting child care

If I see new negative behaviors in my child after starting daycare, what should I do? Negative behaviors are something that you may see when your child does begin childcare or daycare. As children are little, when they are 0 to 18 months and they don't have a lot of language, they may be talking to you in different ways. They may be anxious. They may be crying. They may be a lot more fussy because they are learning something new. It is a new experience for them. There is somebody that is their caretaker during the day. They are letting you know there is a change. When they are about two years old, they are starting to learn language, but they don't quite have it all. A two year old who has been at home all by themselves, they've had all the toys, and be able to choose it whenever they want to. When they go to school, all of a sudden, they may have to wait their turn. They have to learn to share. That may be a transition for them. They may be biting, if they don't have a lot of words. They may be pulling. They may be grabbing. That is typical for a two year old, even though it is negative. They are still communicating with you. They are letting you know there is a change, and they don't like it. When they get older, to two and three year olds, they are going to talk with you about some things also. There may be somethings that they are hearing in school. It may be typical, it may not. What you want to do is watch it and check with your provider if you are still concerned.

See Eileen Friscia's video on Negative behaviors after starting child care...


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Eileen Friscia

Child Care Specialist & Program Director of CCRCLA

Eileen Friscia is dedicated to working with families and children. She has over 30 years in the early childhood profession combined with early childhood development education, experience in program development and implementation, parent relations, strategic planning, and administration. Eileen has worked at the Child Care Resource Center for the past 17 years and has participated on many local, county and statewide workgroups and committees.


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