Recognizing the first signs of autism

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Recognizing the first signs of autism | Kids in the House
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Recognizing the first signs of autism

We first realized that my son, Jullian, had Autism when he was two years old. He was being tracked by the Regional Center because he was seeing a physical therapist because he was born at 26 weeks, and he was a preemie. He was already being followed, which was fortunate for us because the earlier detection that you have with any disabilities is best. He was doing things. He was developing normally, even with the oxygen. He was smiling and learning. Suddenly, he stopped. I was beginning to fear that he might be deaf or something like that. I used to come out to test him. I would be banging pots and pans and he wouldn't respond. At our second year evaluation and follow-up, the therapist and the nurse started to look at each other and they suggested that he might have Autism.

Watch Video: Recognizing the first signs of autism by Hyman Katz, ...


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Hyman Katz

Dad & Music Developer

Hyman Katz is happily married and the father of a 21-year old autistic son and a 14 year-old daughter. Hyman works in the music business as a brand and content developer.

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