Differences in parenting a child with special needs

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Differences in parenting a child with special needs | Kids in the House
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Differences in parenting a child with special needs

There is alot of similiarities in many ways between the kinds of things we needed to do for Julian and what my daughter who is becoming a teenager is facing. And the challenge is really to know when to give them freedom and when to trust that you have done a good enough job to help them make good decisions. It´s harder with a special needs child because with autism there are a lot of holes in their development and it can be very uneven. They can be very smart in one area but very deficient in another, so being able to let go becomes a little bit more of a challenge. But at the end of the day, children need to make mistakes and they need to develop some independence, and you, as a parent, or me, as a parent, need to let that happen and trust that.

See Hyman Katz's video on Differences in parenting a child with special needs...


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Hyman Katz

Dad & Music Developer

Hyman Katz is happily married and the father of a 21-year old autistic son and a 14 year-old daughter. Hyman works in the music business as a brand and content developer.

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