Marital stress from having a child with special needs

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Marital stress from having a child with special needs | Kids in the House
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Marital stress from having a child with special needs

A lot of couples are really torn apart by the devastating news of a diagnosis of Autism and often that’s the precede blame of that relationship was that it’s this child. I believe that it’s already something that was not connecting in that relationship and all kinds of catastrophic things that happen in one’s life can really test a relationship; a parent’s death maybe or losing a job or finances. What got my wife and I got through with all of this was that we have a partnership. We didn't always see eye-to-eye, but we are determined to get through things. If you keep your child as the priority and focus, you’re going to work things out, whether you stay together or not. The child comes first, you have to get back in touch to what brought you back together in the first place, give that front and center and be willing to give, that’s going to help any relationship.

See Hyman Katz's video on Marital stress from having a child with special needs...


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Hyman Katz

Dad & Music Developer

Hyman Katz is happily married and the father of a 21-year old autistic son and a 14 year-old daughter. Hyman works in the music business as a brand and content developer.

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