Dealing with test and performance anxiety

Watch Video: Dealing with test and performance anxiety by Geoff Wells, ...
Dealing with test and performance anxiety | Kids in the House
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Dealing with test and performance anxiety

So how do we deal with children who have test anxiety at school or performance anxiety in sports? The answer to that I have found through years of experience is very simple – practice. Practice taking a practice test under time constraints. That will reduce that child’s anxiety when they actually take the test. In sports, practice having to do the performance. Pretend that there is two strikes and the bases are loaded and everyone’s yelling and you have to get a hit. And practice those at bats. Practice the pressure that comes, that causes the anxiety. Once you do this, it really lowers the anxiety, because they’ve already been there and done it. And they’re very much more confident after that.

Watch Video: Dealing with test and performance anxiety by Geoff Wells, ...


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Geoff Wells

Dad, Lawyer & Coach

Geoff Wells is a law partner at Greene Broillet & Wheeler in Santa Monica California. He is a graduate of the University of Washington class of 1981, and was a pitcher on the baseball team. He then went on to graduate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985. He has been a youth and travel ball baseball coach since 2003. He is married to Janet Ray and has two children, Morgan and Garrett.

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