Progressive school ideals in your public school

Percy L. Abram, PhD gives ideas for parents to encourage progressive education ideals in public schools
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Progressive school ideals in your public school

The way to implement progressive ideals in public schools is to convince parents, teachers, administrators of the real value in teaching critical thinking skills, in teaching empathy in students. One of the difficulties I think public school educators have is there is a constant focus year to year on high stakes testing. And what we know as educators is that students developmentally are going to gain reasoning skills, critical thinking skills over time. So allowing that process to take place, not just year to year, but over a span of years is I think one of the most important things that we can give to public school educators.

Percy L. Abram, PhD gives ideas for parents to encourage progressive education ideals in public schools


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Percy L. Abram, PhD

Head of School

Percy Abram is the Head of Gateway School.  Gateway School is a Kindergarten – 8th grade independent school in Santa Cruz, CA.  Prior to joining Gateway School, Dr. Abram was the Upper Division Director at Brentwood School in Los Angeles.  An LA native, Dr. Abram received his B.A. (Economics) and M.A. (Education) degrees from UCLA, and his M.A. (Sociology) and Ph.D. (Education) from Stanford University.  Dr. Abram and his wife are the parents of a 10-year old daughter and 7-year old son, and despite running a school and being responsible for 260 students each day, he still finds parenting his most challenging job.

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