The pros and cons of computers in school

Percy L. Abram, PhD Head of Gateway School, shares advice on the pros of cons of children using computers and technology for education in schools
Pros and Cons of Technology in Schools
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The pros and cons of computers in school

Well I think technology in general is just one instrument that teachers can use to help students access the curriculum. What I've seen in our school is that iPads, laptop computers give students, particular students with learning differences, different ways for them to understand what the teacher is trying to deliver and give them access to it. What it will not do unfortunately is ensure that information that the teacher is trying to disseminate automatically gets registered and synthesized by the student. So we have parents at our school who are really pushing to have iPads at my school because they think in and of itself it's going to make them a stronger learner. It's not. There are educational technology classes that teachers need to take in order to learn how to teach using this new instrument. It is in and of itself a disruptive technology, because a student can easily be seduced by a screen in ways that he or she is not by a text. So for those might see it as a panacea, I just see it as one instrument to give students deeper, richer access to what a teacher is trying to teach.

Percy L. Abram, PhD Head of Gateway School, shares advice on the pros of cons of children using computers and technology for education in schools


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Percy L. Abram, PhD

Head of School

Percy Abram is the Head of Gateway School.  Gateway School is a Kindergarten – 8th grade independent school in Santa Cruz, CA.  Prior to joining Gateway School, Dr. Abram was the Upper Division Director at Brentwood School in Los Angeles.  An LA native, Dr. Abram received his B.A. (Economics) and M.A. (Education) degrees from UCLA, and his M.A. (Sociology) and Ph.D. (Education) from Stanford University.  Dr. Abram and his wife are the parents of a 10-year old daughter and 7-year old son, and despite running a school and being responsible for 260 students each day, he still finds parenting his most challenging job.

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