Having the dreaded "we're getting divorced" conversation

Sherre Hirsch, Relationship Expert & Rabbi, shares advice for parents on the best methods for telling your child that you are getting a divorce in a way that will be easiest for your kids and make them feel supported
How to Tell Your Child You Are Getting A Divorce
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Having the dreaded "we're getting divorced" conversation

You have to have that horrible talk with your children. The one where you tell them what they fear most, that you're getting a divorce. So what do you say, and how do you say it? The first thing is you have to remind them that a family is one person who unconditionally loves them, so while your family may look different, you're still a family and they're very loved. The second, don't have this talk when you're ready to kill your spouse. Have this talk when you can actually find the love that you had for your spouse so that you can still show your children that even in divorce there are still loving parts of people. Third, they're going to be angry and upset, and you're not going to be able to fix it in that moment. So be able to tolerate their discomfort and their sadness. You always say, "We," no matter how much the family changes

Sherre Hirsch, Relationship Expert & Rabbi, shares advice for parents on the best methods for telling your child that you are getting a divorce in a way that will be easiest for your kids and make them feel supported


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Rabbi Sherre Hirsch

Rabbi & Relationship Expert

Rabbi Sherre Hirsch is a mother of four, author, speaker, TV personality, teacher and the spiritual life consultant for Canyon Ranch.  After eight years at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, she stepped out from behind the formal podium to share her message in all kinds of pulpits from The Today Show to a small baptist church in Alabama.  She published her first book, We Plan, God Laughs: What to Do When Life Hits You Over the Head in 2008; her second book will be published in early 2013. Rabbi Hirsch spends her free time practicing yoga, baking brownies and playing freeze dance with her husband and children.

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