The inconveniences of parenthood

Rabbie Sherre Hirsch, Relationship Expert and Author, shares advice for parents on the inconveniences that come with being a parent and how to overcome them
Expert Advice On Overcoming The Inconveniences Of Parenthood
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The inconveniences of parenthood

Here's the truth: Parenting is the most inconvenient job you will ever do in your life. I have four kids. Yes, I have four kids and they go to four different schools. Everyone says to me, "How do you do that? How do you carpool? It's so inconvenient to your schedule." The answer is, yes, it is totally inconvenient; but my four kids need four totally different types of schools. That makes it really hard on me, but it is what they need. It's what I signed up for when God and the doctor put them in my arms on the first day. I didn't sign up for convenience. I signed up for parenthood. It's truly inconvenient, but stick with it. Even though you will never have a free moment to go to the bathroom, and even though you sit there and pee on that toilet and say, "Can someone please give me a moment of privacy?" One day they will be older, and you will beg for that day that made your life inconvenient for so long.

Rabbie Sherre Hirsch, Relationship Expert and Author, shares advice for parents on the inconveniences that come with being a parent and how to overcome them


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Rabbi Sherre Hirsch

Rabbi & Relationship Expert

Rabbi Sherre Hirsch is a mother of four, author, speaker, TV personality, teacher and the spiritual life consultant for Canyon Ranch.  After eight years at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, she stepped out from behind the formal podium to share her message in all kinds of pulpits from The Today Show to a small baptist church in Alabama.  She published her first book, We Plan, God Laughs: What to Do When Life Hits You Over the Head in 2008; her second book will be published in early 2013. Rabbi Hirsch spends her free time practicing yoga, baking brownies and playing freeze dance with her husband and children.

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