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Animal Lover, Adoring Mother

Ash Stevens is a lover of family, animals, and easy living. If she isn’t writing, she’s surely playing badminton or the latest and greatest board game. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook where she explores fun and natural, simple living.

As women, we’re often in charge of meeting the demands of hungry children, hyperactive pets, hurricane-ravaged homes, and even work projects. It’s one heck of a balancing act, and it requires constant and regular attention. By the time the day is done, falling asleep in the shower sounds more fulfilling than getting some one-on-one time with the father of your children. The last thing we want to have after a day of to-dos is to have one more thing to do. It’s a critical part of any happy relationship though, so it’s as necessary as that dinner glass of wine.
Some women love being pregnant. At least that’s what they say. Personally, I’m of the opinion that they’re either liars hellbent on creating a matronly image, or they’re just fit for a straight jacket. It would be great if pregnancy was 9 months of blissful smiles accompanied with a radiating bun-in-the-oven glow, but with three pregnancies under my belt (and number four currently being above my belt), I can say that’s not the case. It’s one heck of an experience.
family dog
It’s National Adopt-A-Dog month, which makes it a great time to look at the ways dogs can add to the family. Being able to rescue a pup from the shelter is satisfying in itself, but a family dog will benefit you and your children in so many different ways. In fact, you may end up believing that your dog was the one who rescued you. Health
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