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5 Interesting Ways of Managing Nasal Congestion in Babies

baby stuffy nose

Nasal congestion is a common condition with tiny babies; it makes infants uncomfortable and fussy. As a caregiver, you can also get stressed when the baby's nose is congested. You will need to clear your babies' noses for them to breathe well. Most of the time, colds and noisy breathing will indicate that the baby has nasal congestion, but stuffy nose breathing through the mouth is also a sign that the baby has nasal congestion. Below are some natural home remedies that you can use to relieve your baby of nasal congestion:

It will help if you Try Steam Session

Steaming is a simple remedy that entails allowing steam to build up in the bathroom and sit with the baby for 20 minutes as they inhale the warm vapor. Steaming works by loosening dry congestion and you can use eucalyptus or peppermint oils to enable the baby to breathe easily. It will help if you do it repeatedly at intervals to keep on relieving congestion. 

Placing Humidifier in Baby's Room also helps

You can fill a humidifier and run it in your baby's room; the moisture from the humidifier will help relieve Snotty Noses even while sleeping. It will be best if you avoid using the harmful medication as this may irritate the baby's throat. Besides, even if your baby is not sick, a humidifier adds moisture into the dry air, thus relieving dry skin. 

Set Up the Correct Sleeping Position for a Blocked Nose

Your baby's sleeping position helps in allowing them to have a clear airwave. When the baby has breathing difficulties, you can raise its head by placing a rolled towel underneath. The raised head should not be too high as the baby will be uncomfortable. Remember, the babies' cribs need to be free from loose items to prevent choking. Again, during the day, you can place them on their tummy to allow mucus to drain

Nasal Aspirator

A nasal aspirator is a device used to relieve nasal congestion. It will help if you combine it with other techniques for effective relief. Similarly, you can use a saline spray to loosen up mucus in your babies' airwave. After using saline, you can follow up with an aspirator to clear the entire gunk out, thus allowing your baby to breathe freely. 

You can use Saline Spray or Drop

The nasal spray works by thinning out mucus, enabling the baby's nose to clear out and ease congestion. In case you don't have access to saline drop or fountain, it will help if you mix one cup of warm water and ½ teaspoon salt and cool it before using. You need to tilt the baby's head backward and squeeze a few drops in the nose. After that, you lay the baby on their tummy as list them on the side to allow mucus to drain out. Remember, you need to keep a soft tissue or a soft flannel to wipe the baby's clothes.

Natural remedies work best as most of them do not react with your baby. Besides, nasal congestion is harmless to your child only that it makes the baby uncomfortable. You need to reduce snotty noses to avoid noisy and rapid breathing by the baby.