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5 ways to entertain your baby during diaper change

If your baby simply can’t stand getting their diaper changed, then you’re not alone. It’s common for babies to cry, fuss and scream when you’re in the process of changing them. From your little one’s point of view, they have absolutely no idea what’s going on, and the uncomfortable feeling might scare or frustrate them. In fact, there are babies out there who would quite happily sit in their poopy diaper all day over getting it changed. If this sounds like your child, then Baby Schooling are on hand to help out. We’ve created a list of fool-proof ways to entertain your little one during diaper change, to hopefully make the process just that little bit easier.

1)  Sing a song Regardless of what your singing voice is like, babies will always enjoy a good nursery rhyme. Singing ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ or ‘Old MacDonald’ is not only a great distraction technique, but it also encourages face-to-face contact as your baby looks up at you. Bonus points if you combine your singing with some awesome dance moves.

2)  Distractions Singing is just one of many forms of distraction, so if your baby gets tired of that, there are still plenty more things to try. A toy is one of the easiest forms of distraction for a baby, and the options are endless.  Babies really are entertained by just about anything, so grab the nearest household item (providing it’s child-friendly) and let your little one hold onto it. A mirror is also a great distraction option, as babies can become transfixed with their own reflection, giving you time to get the deed done.

3)  Act Silly Babies love anything silly, so next time you’re changing your little one’s diaper, why not narrate what you are doing in a silly voice? For extra giggles, give yourself a dramatic reaction to the dirty nappy as you’re first opening it up. Keep talking to your baby the whole time, as this will encourage speech and language development as well as helping to keep them calm.

4)  Try Not to Rush Your baby is clever than you think at picking up your emotions, and if you’re stressed, this may cause your little one to feel uncomfortable themselves. So next time you’re tempted to rush through the diaper-changing process, encourage yourself to take some deep breaths and relax.  Taking your time to change your baby’s nappy will also ensure that they are properly clean and that their new diaper is on correctly (because admit it - we’ve all put on a diaper back-to-front on at least one occasion).

5)  Move to Different Areas Around the House Sometimes, your baby simply might not be happy if they’ve been moved from the area that they were comfortable in. If your child is playing and doesn’t want to be taken away from their toys, one option is to bring the changing mat into that room and just change them where they are.  Remember to keep a couple of portable changing pads, baby wipes, diapers, and cream around the house to make on-the-spot changes as easy as possible.