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How to Get Ready for An Open House When You Have Kids

family selling their house

Hosting an open house can be an exciting time. You’re eager to showcase your home, hoping to make a great impression on potential buyers and secure a good deal. Yet, when you have kids in the mix, parents may experience an extra layer of emotional strain.

As much as you adore your little ones, balancing the preparation process and attending to your children’s needs can seem like a tightrope act. Despite your high emotions, you still have some key strategies to help you ease the process. Make your open house a huge success by following the tips below.

1. Declutter and Organize

Decluttering and organization are key for preparing your home for an open house, as it’s crucial to make the home look clean when they walk through the door. Start by sorting through your family’s belongings and donating or discarding items you no longer need.

You can also engage your kids by encouraging them to tidy up their toys and personal items. That way, you’re teaching them responsibility and giving them a sense of ownership.

The next step would be to invest in smart storage solutions to hide the remaining clutter. These can include decorative baskets, shelves or closet organizers. With a well-organized space, you’ll make your home feel more inviting and spacious to potential buyers.

2. Assign Age-Appropriate Cleaning Tasks

When you assign age-appropriate cleaning tasks for your kids, you make the preparation process smoother. For example, younger children can do chores like dusting, picking up toys and wiping baseboards.

For older children, consider tasking them with vacuuming, washing windows or helping with yard work. Involving your children in the cleaning process will greatly lighten the workload. Yet, it will also teach them valuable life skills and foster teamwork within the family.

3. Highlight the Key Features of the House

Emphasizing your home’s unique selling points is great for helping potential buyers understand the property's true value and what makes it ideal for families. The best way to achieve this is by presenting the most family-friendly amenities and functional spaces, including the following:

  • Spacious backyards

  • Playrooms

  • Storage spaces

  • Open-concept kitchen

  • Cozy fireplace

To accentuate these features of your home, use lighting, accessories and strategic furniture placement. If DIY isn't your preference, consider hiring a professional decorator for staging, as studies show that 63% of DIY enthusiasts regret their decisions.

4. Depersonalize the Home

Depersonalizing any space is helpful, as it allows prospective buyers to envision themselves living within the home. Therefore, you can start by removing family photos, personal mementos, and kids’ artwork from the walls.

Encourage your children to pack away their special items temporarily, explaining the importance of creating a neutral environment for visitors. In place of personal items, you can use neutral décor, such as tasteful artwork and simple accessories.

5. Rearrange Furniture and Décor

This step aims to create an inviting, functional and spacious atmosphere. Consider removing unnecessary or oversized furniture that obstructs walkways or makes rooms feel cramped. Then, you can rearrange the remaining pieces to emphasize flow and openness.

You could also ask your kids for their opinions on room layouts, as it helps them to feel included in the process. However, paying attention to your home’s visual appeal is always good.

For instance, go for smaller, eye-catching details, such as placing fresh flowers in the corner of the room. You could even add cozy throw pillows on furniture and ensure you adjust the lighting. Thoughtful arrangements like these will enhance the overall impression of your open house.

6. Repair and Touch-Up

This step can significantly boost the appeal of your home to potential buyers. First, you must address visible signs of wear and tear or damage, such as chipped paint, loose door handles or leaky faucets.

Simple tasks like painting can be a fun way to involve your kids in the process. While it’ll help to get the job done faster, your kids will still feel like they’re helping out in some way which instills a sense of pride and accomplishment.

7. Discuss Expectations and Rules

Once your home is ready for an open house, it’s important to make rules and expectations known to your kids to ensure a successful event. Explain the significance of the open house and why it’s essential for everyone to be on their best behavior. Set boundaries for play areas and make it clear which rooms are off-limits during the event.

You should also encourage your children to be respectful and polite to visitors, as first impressions always matter. By having a clear and open conversation with your kids, you create mutual understanding and cooperation. Additionally, you’re setting the stage for a positive experience for your family and potential buyers.

8. Plan Activities and Distractions

During an open house, it can help to keep your kids occupied to prevent any disruptions. If possible, schedule playdates or outings with friends or family members to keep children engaged and away from the event.

For times when your kids need to be at home, provide them with quiet and engaging activities like coloring, puzzles or reading. Keeping them entertained ensures your children have something structured and enjoyable for the time being. Plus, it’ll create a more relaxed environment for yourself, allowing you to focus on providing an excellent open house experience.

Preparing a Family-Ready Open House

Preparing for an open house with kids in tow may be challenging, but it’s entirely manageable with the right steps. Involve your kids, set clear expectations and keep them entertained.

Doing so will create a successful event, but teamwork and communication are key.

With a little effort and the support of your family, you’ll bring yourself one step closer to finding the perfect buyer for your home.