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How to pick the best breast pump

You only want the best for your baby. The best care, the best crib, the best health. And the best breast pump? That choice will be incredibly important for maintaining and achieving your breastfeeding goals. But where to begin? It can be difficult knowing where to start in the diverse world of breast pumps, with so many options to choose from. Just keep in mind that the most important key to success is finding the perfect pump to cater to your individual needs. That’s why we dove in and compared the best breast pumps to gather all of the necessary information to make the best choice for your lifestyle.

Why Do I Need A Breast Pump?

While it is possible to exclusively breastfeed without a pump, they do make it a lot easier to maintain your goals, especially if you’ll be returning to work. Examples of when you may need a breast pump:

  • In order to continue providing breast milk after returning to work.
  • Your baby has issues latching, isn’t nursing well, or isn’t nursing at all.
  • To relieve engorgement.
  • To increase your milk supply or build a storage of milk to freeze for later.

Breast pumps are also great for allowing your partner or caregiver to feed your baby. Most partners enjoy the special bonding time that comes with feedings, plus you’ll get a little break or a little extra sleep when they help out. If you’re going to be away from your baby for more than about two hours, having a breast pump will allow you to stay on schedule to maintain your milk flow. That means you can run few errands and have the occasional date night while still providing breastmilk for your baby.

What To Remember When Choosing Your Breast Pump

Not all breast pumps are created equal, and all pumps vary in their features and benefits. Some important things to consider: Portability - Do you want a lightweight pump to take places? Will you be taking your pump to work or on vacation? Will you need a power adaptor to pump in the car? Will the pump need to be battery powered in case there isn’t an outlet nearby? Will your pump be easy to take on a plane? Adjustability - Will you need to adjust the suction power and speed of your pump for comfort and milk production? Do you want more customizable settings to mimic your baby’s natural nursing pattern? Suction Strength - How quickly you want to express milk may be affected by the strength of your pump. And every mom will have a personal preference for suction strength. If you’re having trouble getting started, you may need a pump with a letdown setting or hospital grade strength. Power Options - Will you always be near an outlet when you need to pump? What happens if the power goes out? Will you need a battery powered pump? If you’re planning to pump at work or while running errands, you might not be able to find a power source. Also, do you need a pump with a power adaptor to pump in the car? Cleaning and Assembling - You will have to take your pump apart pretty often to clean and travel with. Therefore, breast pumps with fewer parts to assemble can come in handy for speeding up the process. Smaller parts can also be complicated. Frequency - How often will you be pumping? Multiple times a day? Once or twice a week? Will you only pump on rare occasions when you’re away from your child? For mom’s pumping daily, a more durable pump can make a major difference. Warranty - Most moms breastfeed for six months to a year. Will your pump and accessories be covered for that long? Will you be covered if something breaks? In addition to pump features, picking the best breast pump will also depend on your lifestyle: This Isn’t Your First Rodeo: This is your second, third, or maybe even fourth child, so you know the drill. Pumping can be a great way to save time and allow dad to help out with feedings. However, since breast pump motors are only designed to last a year, it’s time for a new pump. You don’t have to get the same breast pump as before. There are a variety of bottle adapters to help your new pump fit the accessories you already have. Use a list of pros and cons with your old pump and see if you’re happy with it, or want more out of a different option. You’re A Working Mom: You need to pump every few hours during your shift. Because work days can be hectic, a quick and discrete option to help you pump on the go will be best. You need something lightweight and battery powered to just throw in your tote and go. Also, something that’s easy to quickly clean and assemble is helpful. The Motif Duo is a great option for working moms and students as it weighs less than a pound and has an almost silent motor for privacy. By having 10 different suction modes, this pump will also help you comfortably and quickly express milk. You’re A Stay At Home Mom: You may not need all the bells and whistles or even a portable pump. However, if you have toddler(s) you may not want to be stuck to a wall. You may need a battery powered pump to move from room to room unless you know you can stay in one spot uninterrupted for about 30 minutes. The Spectra S1PLUS is a great, reliable, and comfortable option that can easily be used on-the-go if needed. You’re A Busy Mom: As all moms are! Caring for an infant isn’t exactly a walk in the park. If you need to be hands-free or mobile while pumping then consider the Freemie Freedom Hands Free Breast Pump. This way you can pump while catching up at work, catching up on chores, and much more. You Want To Build A Milk Supply: You can build your milk supply upfront and quickly by freezing enough milk to sustain your baby for at least a year. Use a pump with automatic let down features with multiple pumping settings to help boost your supply and fully empty your breasts. For example, the Evenflo has 32 different suction settings with multiple let down features to help you maximize production. You’re A High Tech Mom: In the world of rapidly advancing technology, your breast pump doesn’t have to be left behind. You can choose an advanced pump like the Lansinoh Smartpump that has Bluetooth connectivity! Use the Smartpump app to track your baby’s feedings, growth, bathroom patterns, and more. You’ll have to keep up with this information anyways, so why not use a convenient app?

Avoid Used Breast Pumps

Used breast pumps should be avoided. You can replace the breast pump accessories such as the flanges and breast shields, and milk collection kits. However, most pumps are only designed with a long enough lifespan to be used by one mother. The motors often weaken after a year of use, so a used pump could have weaker suction power causing it to become difficult to use. Hospital grade breast pumps can be used by multiple moms, but are much more expensive options. Also, most moms don’t need a hospital grade pump unless they experience issues with milk production. Then with a doctor's recommendation the pump or rental of one may be covered by insurance.

So, Which Breast Pump Is The Best?

Aeroflow only offers top quality, reliable pumps. Choosing the best breast pump comes down to your individual needs and personal preferences. Consider your lifestyle and pick the breast pump that checks the most boxes on your list. If you need any assistance, our Breastpump Specialists are standing by to help.