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Why Choose Private Swimming Lessons for Your Children

private swimming lessons

Most parents understand the importance of teaching their children how to swim, especially as they’ll encounter water countless times throughout their lives. However, most parents automatically enroll their children in group lessons, believing they’re the only option or best option for providing this life-saving skill. While group lessons are indeed beneficial for children and adults, you might decide to inquire about private swimming lessons for some of the following reasons:

Schedule Flexibility

The average family has a busy schedule, and making time for public lessons can sometimes be difficult when you don’t get a say in when they’re held. When you opt for private swimming lessons, that’s no longer an issue. You can schedule sessions for your children when it suits you and even choose where they’re held, such as a private pool or an apartment complex pool.

One-On-One Lessons

The average swimming instructor has to provide lessons to suit the masses, regardless of whether everyone in the lesson group has the same skills, safety knowledge, and abilities. Some children might have advanced capabilities and don’t feel like they’re enhancing their skills in a public lesson. In contrast, beginner swimmers might not feel like they’re learning the basics to keep themselves safe when other children are more experienced.

These issues don’t typically arise in private lessons. Children work one-on-one with an instructor who has a complete focus on your children, providing tips and advice customized for their unique abilities.

Special Accommodations

Every child is different, and the techniques required to teach one child how to swim and avoid swimming accidents might differ from those of another. In a public group swimming lesson, it can be challenging for the average instructor to make special accommodations for individual students, especially when it might impact the experience of the group.

However, special accommodations can undoubtedly be made in a private swimming lesson. If a child struggles to master floating, breaststroke, or another swimming technique, a swim instructor can help them refine that skill at their own pace.

Personalized Feedback

A public swimming instructor might tell their swimming group they’re all doing great and are ready to move on to a new task. That might be true, but there are no guarantees that everyone in a public swimming group feels confident and prepared to move on. When you work with a private swimming instructor, you don’t have to move on to something new until you’re ready to. Instructors provide personalized feedback on your abilities and help you fine-tune your skills until you’re truly ready to proceed with a new swimming activity.

Faster Improvements

The average group swimming lesson can be distracting for children. They make friends, can become distracted by their social life, and don’t always absorb as much information from each class as they should. However, private lessons are typically free of distractions. Children can put all their attention on their instructor and be taught valuable swimming skills that keep them safe in the water.

Both public and private swimming lessons can be valuable for children of all ages. However, your children might enjoy many of these benefits above when you start exploring your private lesson options.