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Scott Lenz's picture
The Stay at Home Dad

Scott Lenz was born in Lewisberg, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Suzanne have two kids - Jaron, 13 and Georgia, 10. He was the original rat mascot for Chuck E. Cheese, and since then has been a record store manager, music journalist, television documentarian and, most recently and importantly, a stay-at-home dad. 

grate baby photo
My daughter Georgia recently had her bat mitzvah, and she wanted me to make her video for the party. I picked out music, slogged through literally thousands of photos – and most fortunately I had the luxury of about 100 hours of home movie footage.
The other night, my wife told me - for the second time in 18 months - that she “needs a break,” which is her half-assed way of saying that she wants to separate. There is a long explanation of why we have come to this point, and that is another blog for another web site. With her announcement came all the natural emotions: sadness, frustration, anger, etc. but beyond all of that is the question: how to process this so it will have minimal impact on our kids. My son is 16 and my daughter is 13, which on balance is both a blessing and a curse.
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