Prana Boost Method™
Tina Louise Balodi, a.k.a. Prana Boost Momma, is an author, Life & Soul Coach, New Age Guide & Parenting Mentor, Mommapreneur, Researcher, and Transformational Leader. She is the Co-Creator/Founder of Prana Boost.com. She is the author of the forthcoming book, The Prana Boost Method of Parenting™A Guide To Mastering Mindful Parenting Through Unconditional Love, Intuition, Nonviolence & Emotional Intelligence. She shares all of her techniques, secrets, and stories from her own family and her heart. Raise YOUR Vibration, Raise YOUR Family & Change the World™.
A few days ago I was cooking rice in the kitchen. After tasting it, I saw some fall to the floor. As I leaned down to clean it up, I came back up so fast and not being mindful or connected, I banged my right shoulder on the granite countertop on my way up. Now, being a long time Abraham-Hicks student, I can assure you I was not aligned energetically when this happened. My thoughts and my energy were not completely Prana Boostie! LOL. I was NOT in the Vortex and I was feeling some heavy heavy resistance. I couldn’t shake it, but I am a Momma and it was dinner time.
I know, I agree, it’s easier said than done. What we focus on expands, blah blah blah. It’s so much easier to repeat the quote, and wish for us all to have the courage to live our authentic truth and to show up in the world as peaceful, loving human beings.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T…Find out what it means to me…what is it? Does anyone know besides Aretha Franklin? Does anyone really know what respect is?
This past weekend, on Saturday, our daughter was invited to take a dance class at an awesome local dance studio here in California where she has had classes. This was a special event class that would be taught by Britney Spears. It sounded so exciting to experience a very well known performer and learn some amazing moves. As I sat in the parking lot waiting for her, it was my first experience with the paparazzi. I saw them lining up and getting ready to take pictures of Britney as she would leave the dance studio.
Do you have the courage to create new traditions for your family? Have you ever gone trick or treating INDOORS? As I mom I never expected Halloween to be a holiday I would have to RE-CREATE. Let me explain, below is part of a blog I wrote in 2008 that first describes how we celebrated a holiday we all enjoy in a way that felt safe to our family and honored both of our daughter’s needs and feelings:
WHOOO? WHOOO? WHOOO? WHOOO? How many times a day do parents and families walk around the house sounding like an owl saying, Who did this? Who left the scissors out? Who forgot to turn off the tv? Who did that? Who left their toys on the stairs? Who left dishes on the table? Who left the cap off the toothpaste?
I am 41 & a mom to 2 beautiful girls who are 8 & 10. It’s hard for me to believe parents are still grounding their children to teach them life’s most important lessons. I wouldn’t mind getting grounded as an adult, which sounds quite relaxing LOL. :)
I guess I should ask my parents, but I am not sure if I have ever been grounded as a punishment. I do know that it was very common if I called a friend and asked them to make plans, and I heard them respond with, “Sorry, I can’t, I’m grounded.”
Create the holiday season of your dreams by Prana Boosting™ your thoughts, intentions, & feelings!
Hi Prana Boosters™,
Do you have the courage to create new traditions for your family? Have you ever gone trick or treating INDOORS? As a mom I never expected Halloween to be a holiday I would have to RE-CREATE. Let me explain, below is part of a blog I wrote in 2008 that first describes how we celebrated a holiday we all enjoy, in a way that felt safe to our family and honored both of our daughters' needs and feelings:
Becoming a parent is such a life altering experience. There are so many stages and so many new emotions. First, we hear the sounds and the giggle of our babies. Then, these little voices we wait so patiently to hear, as they learn to speak their first words...these little humans that we have the honor of bringing forth through us into our physical world...These beautiful blessings that love us so unconditionally...They are excited by EVERYTHING!